Biosafety audits can be carried out for different purposes: in response to legal requirements for internal inspections, to evaluate performances as part of a biorisk management programme, to assess due diligence during merger or acquisition processes, to evaluate compliance of a contracting manufacturing company to biosafety regulations, to obtain a certification such as ISO14001, ISO15190 or OHSAS18001, to prepare an official inspection...
Xibios offers third-party auditing services on biosafety and biorisk management. The overall auditing philosophy is risk-based, meaning that the assessment aims at identifying the legal or operational risks for the organisation. Depending on the customer's demand, facilities or operations can be audited against regulations, international standards (as CWA 15793: 2008) and guidelines (as WHO guidelines), and/or sets of internal policies, standards and procedures.
Xibios also offers the following complementary services:
Xibios also provides assistance in building and setting up customised self-inspection or self-audit protocols that allow a credible self-evaluation of performance. | Powered by SQL Online |